Design for America Campus Studios embody DFA’s mission: building design innovation leadership while making a meaningful social impact. Students from interdisciplinary teams work with local community partners to tackle pressing, real-world challenges. Teams work throughout the school year on projects that last anywhere between eight weeks to a year. Studios are supported by professional experts who provide mentorship, faculty members who connect students to university-resources, and the DFA network which offers instruction and best practices. Students prepare for a future in the field of innovation, build life-long friendships, and help change their communities for the better.
Rice DFA pre-scopes its semester-long projects, leading to great changes in the Rice and Houston community. Teams are interdisciplinary – a mix of social scientists, graphic designers, computer scientists, and more.. We meet in Rice’s Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen as a studio every weekend.
Design for America is part of a national network of universities across the country. Find out more information at the national website, designforamerica.com.