Test: Team The Walk

Throughout the test phase, our team focused on how our solution will be used by users.  We decided on many questions to ask users to get feedback on our proposed website design and retrofitted donation form.  We compiled these questions in order to better understand our user base and what their needs might be for our prototype.  Overall, our team decided we want our solution to be easy to navigate when anyone visits The Walk’s website.  In addition, we think it may be most important that our community partner be able to update and change our website model easily after … Continue reading Test: Team The Walk

Build: Team The Walk

This week, our team focused on addressing The Walk’s outreach issues by starting the development of a new, user-friendly website. Low-fidelity prototyping was our first step through wireframes to quickly map out the website’s design without extensive resources, ensuring that we address core features like event information, donations, and contact options based on our previous insights. Despite a lack of response from the organization’s contact responsible for the website, we went ahead with wireframes. These designs aim to clarify what the website should include before we go into creating a fully functional site. This approach not only streamlines the design … Continue reading Build: Team The Walk

Mid-Semester Review: Team The Walk

We had an awesome time at mid-semester review! Our CP attended our presentation and we got a lot of helpful feedback from him and our studio members. Some notable feedback that we received includes suggestions to ensure our website solution is easy to implement, sustainable long-term, and that we should reach out to organizations that are trusted by underrepresented groups.  Continue reading Mid-Semester Review: Team The Walk

Ideate: Team The Walk

After weeks of conducting research, holding user interviews, and highlighting key insights, we decided on a final design space of digital engagement and outreach. To address our “How can we” statement, our team engaged in a brainstorming session, where we discussed our initial thoughts and ideas and grouped them into potential implementable solutions. Some ideas include designing a specific marketing campaign strategy and developing a plan to address logistical feedback from this year. Ultimately, to maximize our impact on digital outreach, we landed on a final solution of redesigning the existing website. We went through the existing website and highlighted … Continue reading Ideate: Team The Walk