Mid-Semester Review was a great time for our team to pause, reflect, and consolidate all the work that has been put into our project. In our presentation, we were focused on conveying the narrative of our project and how we reached this point in our design proposal. Throughout this project, our team faced a lot of ambiguities. Some initial questions we had included who our users were, what our interpretation of wayfinding was, and what our specific role within this larger project would be. After visiting the site, and attending the town hall meeting, we finally gained a better understanding of the problem space, thereby allowing us to move forwards with an initial prototype. The initial prototype we proposed at MSR was a large four-sided sign that allowed for a map, local artwork, and space for advertising of local businesses. Much of the feedback that we received at MSR was to clarify the content of our project before moving into the aesthetics of a physical sign. Moving forwards, we will hone in our the exact points of interests we want on our sign, and the amount of information accompanying each point. Following that, we will slowly reintroduce aesthetics in conjunction with the content.