Reframe: Team Air Alliance

This week we went through the steps of reframing our problem space and looking at our project from different angles. We began by reviewing our major insights from online and site research done during immerse. We consolidated these insights and found that our main targets in creating a CAB framework were accessibility, empowerment, and synchronicity. After reviewing our insights, we looked at existing CABs and began research on how, where, and with whom they operated. In thinking about potential barriers to the project we came up with more “how can we” statements to pair with our key insights and eventually refined them into one overarching question: HCW create an inclusive CAB that liaisons between Air Alliance and Houston communities disproportionately impacted by air pollution? We also set short and long term measures of success that included analyzing CAB demographics, improved community attendance at Air Alliance events, and increased awareness of Houston air pollution. With these in mind, we moved onto figuring out our next steps and brainstorming potential solutions to our CAB framework and member recruitment. We’re going to do more research on existing CAB operations and frameworks, eventually come up with our own based on those insights.

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