Category: Sp24 ADDA

Test: Team ADDA
Since we decided to move forward with a newsletter redesign, the team began working on designing a new newsletter template for ADDA to use for their monthly communications. We started with a low-fi sketch to establish what information will be included, and in what layout. Then, we started to transfer these designs to Constant Contact, which is the emailing platform ADDA utilizes. For testing, we plan on conducting interviews with ADDA members, and asking them to go through the hi-fi prototype and find specific pieces of information. Continue reading Test: Team ADDA
Build: Team ADDA
This week, we aimed to develop a lo-fi prototype that would address the question, “How can we reorganize and update current communication methods with adults with ADHD, parents of children with ADHD, and ADDA members in Houston/the South to better connect them with relevant ADDA resources?” To answer our question, we conducted user interviews to gather feedback on the relevance and effectiveness of ADDA’s current newsletter communications. Our interviews focused on understanding what resources and information are most relevant to users, what types of support they are interested in, and how they currently find ADDA resources. Additionally, we explored their … Continue reading Build: Team ADDA
Ideate: Team ADDA
This week, we started formulating more concrete and implementable solutions for ADDA. We wanted to emphasize making it as easy as possible for members/users to find the relevant information they are seeking, especially through avenues they are already familiar with. We narrowed it down to a website redesign, and a newsletter redesign. We decided against more “traditional” methods of sharing information, such as social media, since Pam highlighted that the main way people stay updated is through the newsletter, and websites are generally more flexible than Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Continue reading Ideate: Team ADDA
Mid-Semester Review: Team ADDA
We plan on incorporating the feedback about making our newsletters friendly for people with ADHD, by making sure we include a lot of visuals that are easily digestible and that we have minimal text. Continue reading Mid-Semester Review: Team ADDA
Reframe: Team ADDA
This week, we delved into understanding the challenges that ADDA faces. Through user interviews and research, we discovered ADDA’s core problems from reaching users: limited resources and ineffective communication. To address these issues, we framed a how can we statement with a clear vision and goal to solve a user-focused problem. Our goal was to reorganize ADDA’s communication methods to ultimately foster greater user outreach, engagement, and participation. If these goals are not met, ADDA may continue struggling to retain and attract members. This could lead to decreased engagement in workshops and support groups, as well as a lack of … Continue reading Reframe: Team ADDA
Immerse: Team ADDA
Jill is a mother with a 8 year old daughter who was recently diagnosed with ADHD. Jill does not have ADHD so does not know much about it. She wants to learn more about it, so she searches for resources in her local area and comes across ADDA. However, it’s difficult for her to locate the relevant resources she needs to learn more about ADHD in children. This user persona ties into our main insight about users struggling to find relevant resources and how they won’t use resources that aren’t relevant to their lives. It also highlights the insight that … Continue reading Immerse: Team ADDA
Identify: Team ADDA
This week, the ADDA team worked on defining the project scope and the prior knowledge surrounding ADHD. We identified the magnitude of the problem, including how it impacts our users’ daily lives and how our solution would be able to apply to other similar communities, like other mental health illnesses. Then we focused our attention on the current knowledge, researching on statistics, assumptions, questions, personal experiences, connections, and any easy solutions. We unearthed a lot of assumptions surrounding ADHD symptoms, like how it is only exhibited through hyperactivity, and thus only present in boys, and how it isn’t a “real” … Continue reading Identify: Team ADDA

DForientation: Team ADDA
The DFA ADDA Team is committed to applying design thinking in order to mitigate the pressing increase of ADHD in adults. Our team consists of 3 innovative designers: LeeAnn Feng, a freshman majoring in cognitive science at Baker College; Freya … Continue reading DForientation: Team ADDA