Test: Team Air Alliance

In the testing phase of our project, our goal was to get feedback on our CAB framework and find out what users, potential CAB members, and AAH would like to see most out of it. To do this, we created a rough draft of our CAB framework and a google form that people could respond to as a way to give us their feedback. This form contained a link to our framework draft so anyone responding to it could look over the draft while they were answering questions. We first asked general questions about aesthetics and what the overall framework … Continue reading Test: Team Air Alliance

Build: Team Air Alliance

Build is the stage in the design process where the ideas, research, and dedication start coming together into tangible products. Here, we built out a few prototype skeletons to then test and receive feedback on.  During Build, our team focused on creating the community advisory board framework we had been gathering insights for so far in the process. This included first creating an outline of all the subsections we wanted our outline to follow as well as the high-level information we wanted our framework to include. After this, we drafted a document that included all the information in an outline … Continue reading Build: Team Air Alliance

Ideate: Team Air Alliance

Our Ideate phase consisted of a more in-depth analysis of our preemptive solutions. We started brainstorming these solutions with a Jamboard, on which we grouped a number of different ideas into categories like community engagement and CAB outlines. These themes translated into two different solution branches– the framework and a smaller scale solution both of which fit our HCW statement. Both processes can be testable with sets of guidelines we’ve found related to CABs. One of these framework outlines comes from the Urban Institute and contains a checklist to run through as we build the CAB framework for AAH. Additionally, … Continue reading Ideate: Team Air Alliance

Reframe: Team Air Alliance

This week we went through the steps of reframing our problem space and looking at our project from different angles. We began by reviewing our major insights from online and site research done during immerse. We consolidated these insights and found that our main targets in creating a CAB framework were accessibility, empowerment, and synchronicity. After reviewing our insights, we looked at existing CABs and began research on how, where, and with whom they operated. In thinking about potential barriers to the project we came up with more “how can we” statements to pair with our key insights and eventually … Continue reading Reframe: Team Air Alliance

Identify: Team Air Alliance

During the identify stage, our team worked on scoping our project: we jotted down our initial assumptions on the community’s needs, project accessibility, and the overall practicality of potential designs. In this initial process, we found that low-income communities are most impacted by air pollution due to lack of regulation, and these communities likely may be unaware of the impacts of these environmental hazards. We then sought out ways to identify design avenues. This came in the form of preliminary research to determine potential community organizations that could help us design a community advisory board framework. We brainstormed with several … Continue reading Identify: Team Air Alliance