Immerse: Team Rec Center

Hi DFA! Over the past few weeks, we have continued to familiarize ourselves with this project and gathered further insights into our problem space. On that end, we created and sent out a questionnaire to Rice students, and we have collected over 40 responses so far! We also had the amazing opportunity to speak to a few panelists on this topic, which has allowed us to develop a user persona that will guide us through future steps in our design process.   Jason is a 19-year-old Rice freshman who has used a wheelchair since a young age. Jason loved working … Continue reading Immerse: Team Rec Center

Identify: Team Rec Center

Hey DFA! This week our team worked on researching our problem space and held an interview with our community partners at the Rec. There, we narrowed down potential problem spaces that we would tackle like high traffic areas. As for our research, we found that there is no formal method of communication between the users and our clients. To address this, we’ve moved to develop a survey to gather user inputs for the general Rice population.  It’s important to go through the identify step in order to outline the user information that’s readily available and what holes might exist when … Continue reading Identify: Team Rec Center