To begin our Build process, we went through the user research we collected from our site visit to Tony’s Place. After reviewing our research, we concluded that things were going well with Tony Place’s one-on-one services, and there wasn’t a need for any modifications. When thinking about our final product, we decided we wanted to focus on making something that would help Carrie keep track of each client’s progress. To do this, we plan on making a paper survey and a simple Google sheet where Carrie can log info from the surveys and have it presented on a graph or analyzed. We recently created a low-fidelity prototype of the form on a piece of paper. Creating a low-fidelity prototype first is important during the build process because it allows us to quickly draft versions of our prototype that are easily adaptable to changes and new insights. Our survey includes questions surrounding the effectiveness of the one-on-one service. Another important question that we included was asking the client if they wanted to set up another appointment and when they would be available. When we spoke to Tony’s Place members, one of them expressed that clients wouldn’t typically meet with the staff on a regular basis. This is convenient for the clients, but the staff feels like they would benefit more from regular meetings. Obviously, you cannot force someone to attend meetings, but by having this question on the survey, we can hopefully encourage more clients to set up follow-up appointments.