To start our testing process, we first sent our prototype of the feedback form to Carrie, who informed us that ideally, all the language we use would be 3rd to 5th grade reading level, and that by keeping it anonymous it may prompt more genuine feedback. In addition, the team tested the form on those around us, who brought up points such as our language being vague (ex. what does “specify service” mean?), and awkward spacing and fonts. Although we were not able to test our feedback form on actual users, the insights were still very helpful. When we met up, we made several changes according to the suggestions we received, by first removing any identification questions, such as name and contact, decreasing the margin size, etc. Our biggest change was by reframing the bottom section to evaluating satisfaction of Tony’s Place as whole instead of satisfaction concerning meetings specifically. Currently we are preparing for final review, by working on our poster!