In the past week, we designed a couple very low fidelity prototype and had the chance to test them with some people from the studio. Our HCW statement is ‘How can we empower mobility scooter users in Rice serveries obtain and carry food and drinks independently and efficiently?’ Our prototype ideas are as follows:
Prototype 1:
11×18 inch tray with attached arm system clamped on to the scooter
Using a screw and clamp system with tray between the screw and clamp to allow rotation of the tray
Material – Wood
Using donut shape on top of the tray to hold plate/cup/bowl
Prototype 2:
11×18 inch Tray directly attached to clamp that attaches to scooter and using donut shape on top of tray
Prototype 3:
Tray directly on lap
Some of the questions we wanted to test are the following:
- How intuitive or convenient is it to use this product?
- Which attachment style do you think works best?
- Does this allow you to hold more things than just on your lap?
- Does it affect your ability to drive easily?
Student at Rice with temporary foot/ankle/leg injury, full upper body range of motion
Ask people (sitting in the scooter) to carry 2 cups using our various trays and without a tray driving around a table outside
Method for Feedback:
- Did the cups fall over?
- Were you able to turn easily?
- Were any of the trays easier to use than others (or no tray at all)?
- Open ended: is there anything else you want to add?
After testing with some of the studio members, we found that people did not think the tray on lap was useful because it was pretty much like putting things in the lap. Also, cups almost fell off that tray. Users did note that the rotational aspect was important. Based on that feedback, we will try to develop our rotational system but also build another prototype that uses a desk like structure that flips 90 degrees upward instead of rotating.