During Immerse, we met with a lot of experts in the field, including Dr. Boyer, Dr. Silvia Dee, and our community partners to get more expert insights on what our project should look like. After doing this, we also attended one of Air Allience’s events and interviewed users to understand how a CAB is perceived by the public. For our users, we created 2 main personas. One for the “extreme” user which in our case is a Community Leader- someone who is deeply involved with their community and maybe Air alliance relating to issues within climate justice, and who wants to become involved in being a member of the CAB. The other is our “average” users, which are the people the CAB members would be liaisons between and Air Alliance. For them, we determined they are typically working-class, typically low-income citizens who live in areas affected by air pollution but don’t have the time, interest, or money to become involved in climate justice. These people are harder to reach through Air Alliance and are more receptive to community leaders they already know.