During the Mid-semester Review, we gave context about the air pollution situation in Houston and how it is disproportionately impacting certain communities more than others. We explained why CAB was an ideal solution for this situation and how it would help facilitate communication between our community partner, AAH, and the rest of the Houston community. The main feedback we have received from the audience included how we should consider talking to other CABs to better understand how to create this CAB, strategies to recruit CAB members, and most importantly, how to keep “average” users of Houston involved. This prompted us to reach out to more organizations with CABs and brainstorm more ways to recruit CAB members. Keeping average users of Houston involved was a tricky one because the population that we are considering is so large. However, we thought of ways to expand knowledge to different communities in various ways to make sure that the CAB that AAH creates reaches as many communities as possible.