Week IDEATE: New Hope Housing

This week, our team worked on the ideate process of human-centered design. We all independently brainstormed possible ideas – writing them on sticky notes regardless if they were wacky, super simple, easy or difficult to implement, expensive or inexpensive, etc. After clustering our ideas, we identified two themes that we were attracted to as possible solutions – a feedback system, and content of either advertising or the programs. For the feedback system, we developed the following design goals to guide our refinement of potential solutions: regular, relevant, accessible, easy-to-use, easy-to-implement. For the content portion, we identified the following design goals: Engaging, more descriptive and informative, goal-oriented, focus on personal incentives, personal to the people in the program, horizontal distribution of promotional materials. 

In order to bridge these two themes into an how-can-we statement, we came up with: How can we make the programs at New Hope Housing more valuable for residents and improve communication between residents and NHH?

Moving forward, we will most likely need to re-enter the immerse and reframe steps. We have encountered scheduling difficulties with our ability to attend the educational programs and interview users, as the programs happen during the hours of 11 am and 5 pm. Thus, we do not have the user-generated and firsthand information necessary to begin to develop our themes into truly insight-informed concepts for possible solutions. In the next couple weeks, we hope to work out a scheduling time with our CP and start on this exciting process! 


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