Mid-Semester Review is a great opportunity for us to reflect on our progress thus far , and receive valuable feedback from a more objective perspective. We presented key user insights, stakeholder insights, and focused on communicating our period pack idea with its areas of variation. At the end of our presentation, we were seeking feedback on which of the different areas of variation seemed the most exciting/feasible to studio members.
We received feedback relating to different aspects of the solution:
- Would these packs be accesible only when the women’s resource center is open?
- What about non-rmc bathrooms?
- Excited about the Bring the Bag Back idea
- The free products in the women’s resource center can come in packs of three
- Serve as a third party for all differentiated stakeholders (SA,Rice Women’s Resource Center, etc.)
- Who would provide the products for the period packs?
- Variable identified for test will help facilitate testing and iteration process.
- Interesting to see how we will facilitate access for the hidden user?
- Test one single idea and build up from there
- Being specific about intentions will help better test the areas of variation
General feedback/questions:
- Good job identifying pain points in current solutions
- Great learning about how stakeholder insights interact with user insights
- So many ways you can go with the solutions, which is exciting.
- Great distinction between the situational and hidden user
- Curious to see if different socioeconomic groups feel differently towards the solution?
Moving forward, we aim to design a comprehensive testing plans for combinations of the areas of variation. In doing so, we will gauge user responses to these solutions, weighing them in our final iteration of the solution.